Mystic Marathon

The battery holder on my MM is broken, I am missing the (Auto Up/Manual Down, Advance, High Score Reset) button set, and I do not care to keep high scores so I finally got tired of going behind the machine with a wire and figuring out how to hit advance and add credits everytime I power it up (rarely). So instead of doing the simple thing (soldering a modern battery to the board), I decided to monkey with the code to solve my problems!

The results are the text file describing my process and the 3 EPROM files. Maybe this will be helpful to *THE* other MM owner out there. ;-D

Burn one of the EPROM files into a 2764 and then replace EPROM 17 (IC 25) with the new and improved EPROM and have fun!

2005, July

Blah blah blah (long lines, open in your favorite text editor?)

EPROM files
Defaults to free play, skips the infinite wait for Advance press after FACTORY SETTING RESTORED displayed
Defaults to free play, skips the infinite wait for Advance press after FACTORY SETTING RESTORED displayed, high score allows 20 characters of input
Defaults to free play, any input will get you past the infinite wait after FACTORY SETTING RESTORED displayed